Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna
Contact: infohub(at)polleninformation.at
1. Field of activity
- Preparation of forecasts (Austria, Burgenland, Lower Austria, Vorarlberg and Vienna)
- Evaluation of pollen traps in Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna
- Maintenance of the homepage
- Field research and photo documentation
- Administration of the EAN database (European Aeroallergen Network)
- Administration of clinical studies and projects
2. Short curriculum vitae
- Since 2024: Research associate at AZ Pollen Research GmbH
- Since 2023: Project assistant at the Pollen Monitoring Service Tyrol at the University of Innsbruck
- 2023: EAS European Basic Course on Aerobiology
- 2019 - 2024: Project assistant and maternity leave replacement at the Medical University of Vienna
- Since 2018: Teaching at the University of Vienna
- 2014-2017: Master's degree in Botany at the University of Vienna
- 2010-2014: Bachelor's degree in Biology at the University of Vienna
3. Selected publications
- Sofiev M, Palamarchuk J, Kouznetsov R, et al (2024) European pollen reanalysis, 1980-2022, for alder, birch, and olive. Sci Data 11:1082. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-03686-2
- Dirr L, Bastl K, Bastl M, et al (2024) Crowd-sourced symptom data in pollen allergy: testing a novel study approach for assessing the efficacy of food supplements. Allergo J Int. doi. org/10.1007/s40629-024-00283-y
- Dirr L, Bouchal JM, Bastl K, et al (2023) 5 Years Ragweed Finder: From the Idea to the official reporting tool of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Proceedings of Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023 - PoS(ACSC2023) 004. https://doi.org/10.22323/1.442.0004
- Dirr L, Bastl K, Bastl M, et al (2023) Prolonging the period of allergenic burden: late-flowering grasses and local peculiarities. Allergo J Int 32:157-161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40629-023-00267-4