13. November 2024
Cold Cases: Allergien der kalten Jahreszeit
After the season is before the season. The air is finally free of pollen and the next pollen flight is already on the horizon: The purple alder begins to bloom in mid-December and can cause a dampened mood at the punch stand. However, a blocked nose, sneezing attacks or breathing difficulties can also be signs of the very common but often unrecognized and underestimated house dust mite allergy. Symptoms are often mistaken for a cold or flu, which is why it is important to have prolonged symptoms checked out by a doctor and, if the cause is allergic, to treat it early and avoid contact with the triggers.
13. November 2024
Cold Cases: Allergien der kalten Jahreszeit
After the season is before the season. The air is finally free of pollen and the next pollen flight is already on the horizon: The purple alder begins to bloom in mid-December and can cause a dampened mood at the punch stand. However, a blocked nose, sneezing attacks or breathing difficulties can also be signs of the very common but often unrecognized and underestimated house dust mite allergy. Symptoms are often mistaken for a cold or flu, which is why it is important to have prolonged symptoms checked out by a doctor and, if the cause is allergic, to treat it early and avoid contact with the triggers.
19. August 2024
Ragweed: massive Belastungen zu erwarten
The next pollen season is just around the corner with the ragweed blossom. According to the forecast of the Austrian Pollen Information Service, the weed will cause severe stress from the end of August. In addition, new plant species will bring additional allergy risks in the future due to climatic changes and drastically extend the pollen count. The Pollen Information Service is keeping an eye on all these developments and will inform allergy sufferers even earlier and more precisely about the pollen count and the expected intensity of exposure with the new "forecast map".