Issued on January 17, 2025
The early flowering season is just around the corner!
Over the next few days, the sun will increasingly prevail over the fog and create conditions in parts of Lower Austria that already allow pollen to fly locally.
Dry weather with occasional temperatures of 5 °C can be enough to get hazel pollen into the air in thermally favorable locations. However, this usually only leads to contamination in the immediate vicinity of the plants.
The flowers of the native alder species are not yet as developed as those of the hazel and therefore do not yet release any pollen. The structural similarity of the allergens of these two early bloomers can cause cross-reactions in affected allergy sufferers.
According to our model calculations, we can expect to see widespread flowering between the end of January and mid-February.
Other types of pollen in the ambient air: yew and cypress plants. The allergenicity of these pollen grains can be classified as low.
Flowering hazel/alder | at |
Allentsteig | 16.02.2025 |
Amstetten | 10.02.2025 |
Gumpoldskirchen | 28.01.2025 |
Gutenstein-Mariahilfberg | 25.01.2025 |
Hohe Wand | 31.01.2025 |
Krems | 28.01.2025 |
Lunz am See | 23.02.2025 |
Reichenau an der Rax | 19.01.2025 |
St. Pölten | 10.02.2025 |
Tulln/Langenlebarn | 31.01.2025 |
Waidhofen an der Ybbs | 05.02.2025 |
Wiener Neustadt | 29.01.2025 |
Zwerndorf/Marchegg | 01.02.2025 |
Forecast from 17.01.2025
Note: The data shown here are model data for the expected start of flowering. For more detailed information on the expected pollen count, please refer to the text forecasts.
Responsible for the content
AZ Pollenresearch GmbH im Auftrag der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Gruppe Gesundheit und Soziales, Abteilung Umwelthygiene.
Dr. rer. nat. Johannes M. Bouchal, Lukas Dirr, MSc und Mag. Sabine Kottik.
Wetterdaten und Prognosen basierend auf synoptischen Daten:
GeoSphere Austria, Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie (ehemals ZAMG).
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