Issued on February 21, 2025
Weather conditions allow intensive pollination in the west, in the east it remains quiet!
The weather forecast for the next few days in the west and south of Austria often promises daily highs of well over 10 °C. There will also be many hours of sunshine and no precipitation. In addition, there will be many hours of sunshine and no precipitation is expected. A high pollen count is therefore to be expected.
The situation is somewhat different in the east and north of the country. Here, too, many hours of sunshine are expected over the next few days, but temperatures will remain in the single digits. According to the current weather forecast, they will also exceed the 5 °C mark and allow some pollen count, but will not come close to the values in the west of Austria.
In the meantime, allergic reactions to hazel and alder pollen must be expected in all federal states and we are approaching the main phase of this year's early flowering season. Pollen concentrations in the ambient air will mostly reach moderate levels, but high levels are also possible in the west.
At the moment, it is mainly the pollen from hazel and gray alder that is causing problems. Allergy sufferers should therefore avoid areas where these plants are frequently found. In the case of hazel, these are forest edges, in the case of gray alder, riparian forests or locations near bodies of water.
The catkins of the black alder, which is also widespread, are not yet ready to flower in most locations and are not expected to release pollen until the end of February.
Other types of pollen in the ambient air: yew, poplar and cypress. From an allergological point of view, these are of little relevance.
Responsible for the content
AZ Pollenresearch GmbH
im Auftrag des Vereins Österreichischer Polleninformationsdienst in Kooperation mit der GeoSphere Austria.
Dr. med. Markus Berger, Dr. rer. nat. Johannes M. Bouchal und Lukas Dirr, MSc.
Wetterdaten und Prognosen basierend auf synoptischen Daten:
GeoSphere Austria, Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie (ehemals ZAMG)
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