Veronika Kofler

South Tyrol

Contact: veronika.kofler(at)

1. Field of activity

  • Pollen count monitoring in South Tyrol (evaluation of microscopic samples and preparation of pollen count reports, data analysis)
  • Monitoring the reproductive behavior of forest trees using gravitational pollen traps
  • Pollen studies in South Tyrolean honey (botanical and geographical origin controls)


2. Short curriclum vitae

  • Since 1999: Laboratory technician in the Biological Laboratory of the Provincial Environmental Agency of Bolzano - Aerobiology and Melissopalynology Department
  • 1998 - 1999: Laboratory technician in a private company
  • 1997 - 1998: Intern at the Laimburg Research Center
  • 1992 - 1997: Secondary technical school for biotechnology


3. Selected publications

  • Bucher E., Kofler V., Vorwohl G., Zieger E. (2004): Das Pollenbild der Südtiroler Honige. Herausgeber: Biologisches Labor der Landesagentur für Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz Bozen