Magdalena Widmann, MSc

South Tyrol

Contact: Magdalena.Widmann(at)

1. Field of activity

  • Supervision and evaluation of pollen traps from South Tyrol

  • Preparation of pollen forecasts


2. Short curriculum vitae

  • 2011 - 2015 Bachelor in Biology, University of Innsbruck

  • 2018 Garden Guide at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna

  • 2017 - 2020 Master in Ecology and Ecosystems, University of Vienna

  • Since 2021 Head of the Department of Aerobiology and responsible for the Pollen Information Service South Tyrol

  • 2022 Advanced Aerobiology Course on automatic pollen monitoring in Riga


3. Selected publications

  • M. González-Alonso, J. Oteros, M. Widmann, J.M. Maya-Manzano, C. Skjøth, L. Grewling, D. O'Connor, M. Sofiev, F. Tummon, B. Crouzy, B. Clot, J. Buters, E. Kadantsev, Y. Palamarchuk, M. Martinez-Bracero, F.D. Pope, S. Mills, B. Šikoparija, P. Matavulj, C.B. Schmidt-Weber, P.V. Ørby, Influence of meteorological variables and air pollutants on measurements from automatic pollen sampling devices, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 2024, 172913, ISSN 0048-9697,
