Yew (Taxus spp.)
Allgemeine Informationen
Family: Yew family (Taxaceae)
Flowering period in Central Europe: Winter to early spring
Months: 2–4
Allergy potential
Low allergenicity in Central Europe, Mediterranean species are more allergenic.
Not known.
Botanical Information
Yews are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere in temperate climates with mild winters, some species are also found in tropical mountain ranges of Honduras and Malaysia (southernmost natural distribution). Habitats — Deciduous forests from plains to mountainous areas.
Habit — Tree or shrub. Foliage — Evergreen, pointed needles. Reproduction — Dioecious, ♂ pollen cones spherical, yellowish at the branch tips, ♀ cones small and inconspicuous, forming fleshy red false berries (aril).
Caution: Branches and seeds are toxic!
Common species in Europe
Common yew (Taxus baccata).
Habit — Tree or shrub. Habitats — Commonly cultivated as an ornamental hedge. In deciduous and mixed forests (shade-tolerant species), from plains to mountainous areas. Some specimens are among the oldest trees in Europe (up to 2000 years old). Flowering period in Central Europe — February to April.