
Situation and medium-term forecast for

Issued on February 28, 2025

Fluctuating pollen concentrations!

The last few days were characterized by precipitation, so that only little pollen could be measured in the air. Before the weather conditions for the pollen count deteriorated, the hazel pollen count in particular had risen sharply and reached its peak this year, although this can be classified as moderate compared to previous years.

Alder pollen counts have been low so far this season. However, the impending high temperatures of up to 15 °C in the coming week could lead to a significant increase.

Poplar pollen counts are also expected to start soon. From an allergological point of view, however, this is of little relevance for pollen allergy sufferers.

Blühende Hasel ©ÖPID, Johannes M. Bouchal

Responsible for the content

AZ Pollen Research GmbH
in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Pflanzenwisenschaften der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz im Auftrag der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung.
Dr. rer. nat. Johannes M. Bouchal, Lukas Dirr, MSc und Mag. Pramod Harvey.

Wetterdaten und Prognosen basierend auf synoptischen Daten: GeoSphere Austria, Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie (ehemals ZAMG).
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