
Situation and medium-term forecast for

Issued on August 30, 2024


Pollen situation and further prospects:
The pollen spectrum is dominated by nettle plants, hops (hemp plants) and plantain. Pollen from sweet grasses and mugwort have been detected. There is also some pollen from foxtails and ragweed in the air. The warm and humid weather favors the increase of fungal spores in the air.


Pollen situation and further prospects:
The pollen spectrum is dominated by nettle plants, hops (hemp plants), mugwort and plantain. In addition, some pollen from sweet grasses, foxtails and ragweed has been detected. The warm and humid weather favors the increase of fungal spores in the air.


Pollen situation and further prospects:
The pollen spectrum is dominated by nettle plants, hops (hemp plants), sweet grasses and plantain. In addition, pollen from mugwort, foxtail and ragweed has been detected. The warm and humid weather favors the increase of fungal spores in the air.

Always informed with the Pollen+ app: It is free and provides information about the current pollen count, today and in the next two days. It also provides information about pollen allergies on the go. You can also find the forecasts on the website of the Bolzano Environment Agency:

Foto: Brennnessel copyright AZ Pollen Research

Responsible for the content

Biologisches Labor der Umweltagentur Bozen
Arbeitsbereich Aerobiologie
Magdalena Widmann und Veronika Kofler
Mittelfristige Prognose basierend auf Modelldaten und Pollenzählungen.
Auszugweiser oder vollständiger Nachdruck und Veröffentlichung nur unter Angabe der Quelle gestattet.

Wetterdaten und Prognosen basierend auf synoptischen Daten:
GeoSphere Austria, Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie (ehemals ZAMG).
zum Team
