
Situation and medium-term forecast for

Issued on September 6, 2024

Ragweed is still very troublesome throughout the country, the reed blossom increases the burden!

The ragweed season will continue to be very stressful until Sunday. If there are strong south-easterly winds, the heavy burden will also lead to problems at night, so you should not ventilate at night. The mugwort season is now also affecting Burgenland again.

At present, heavy contamination byragweed (common ragweed) must be expected. The pollution from domestic production will be considerably intensified by air currents from neighboring countries to the southeast, such as Hungary and Slovenia, until Sunday (please pay attention to the weather forecast and wind direction). Therefore, heavy pollution (also at night) is to be expected throughout Burgenland.

The late flowering of mugwort species such as Kamchatka mugwort, annual mugwort and wormwood mugwort will also be a burden until Sunday, after which the 2024 mugwort season should come to an end.

The main flowering period of the grasses is over, but in the next few days the reed bloom at Lake Neusiedl and locally at reed sites may cause pollution again. Lake Neusiedl is home to the second largest reed belt in Europe and therefore enables a second late grass peak due to the reeds, which belong to the sweet grasses and bloom from the end of August to mid-September. This can lead to an increased spread of grass pollen throughout Burgenland in easterly winds and to corresponding complaints. From today's perspective, however, the second grass peak should be over by the end of this week.

Fungal spores continue to cause high levels of contamination. The current weather conditions with sunshine and precipitation favor the production of fungal spores. Fungal spore allergy sufferers in particular (but not only them) are advised to use air purifiers in their living areas to at least keep their homes free of allergens.

Information on our own behalf:
You can use the Ragweed Finder app or go to to report ragweed populations in your area and find out about the spread of this neophyte. The reports are forwarded weekly to the reporting offices of the provincial governments.

Responsible for the content

AZ Pollenresearch GmbH
im Auftrag der Burgenländischen Landesregierung.
Mag. Sonja Berger und Dr. rer. nat. Johannes M. Bouchal.

Wetterdaten und Prognosen basierend auf synoptischen Daten:
GeoSphere Austria, Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie (ehemals ZAMG).
zum Team
