
Our podcast in cooperation with Springer Verlag is online

High bloom without high feelings - grass pollen is here. The grass season lasts until August due to the countless species - more than 10,000 in Austria. This means that the pollen cloud will hover over us for the whole summer until it subsides in the east of the country with the last waves of pollution from the Neusiedler Schilfgürtel.

The classic symptoms such as itching or reddened eyes are then not only noticeable in the foothills of the lake, but also in the cities - grass pollen is tolerated up to 100 km away.
"From the patients' side, I can say that the grass pollen season has been pronounced so far," says Dr. Fritz Horak. He heads the Allergy Center Vienna West. "We have a lot of patients who are reporting very severe symptoms. We still have very long waiting times." Dr. Markus Berger from the Austrian Pollen Information Service gives the all-clear for the flat and hilly regions in the east: "The peak of the grass pollen season has already passed here."
We recently read about a new allergenic plant, the tree of heaven. In Vienna, the pollen of the tree of heaven is more common than that of grasses, ORF recently reported. Listen to what Horak and Berger have to say on this topic!

Springer: www.springermedizin.at/podcasts/allergologie-und-immunologie/graeserpollenallergie/27197170
Deezer: deezer.page.link/bQwhyaMfHouQiiRG9
Youtube: youtu.be/eR1eCMz04OY

About this podcast
Medical programs are in-depth, but not entertaining. We set out to disprove this preconception with this podcast. We have now launched a podcast on Springer Medizin Österreich that is intended to be both topical and knowledge-sharing, as well as being acoustically appealing. In addition to experts from science and practice, we will also let our specialist editors, columnists and reporters from "Ärzte Woche" have their say.

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