South Tyrol
Contact: Magdalena.Widmann(at)provinz.bz.it
1. Field of activity
Supervision and evaluation of pollen traps from South Tyrol
Preparation of pollen forecasts
2. Short curriculum vitae
2011 - 2015 Bachelor in Biology, University of Innsbruck
2018 Garden Guide at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna
2017 - 2020 Master in Ecology and Ecosystems, University of Vienna
Since 2021 Head of the Department of Aerobiology and responsible for the Pollen Information Service South Tyrol
2022 Advanced Aerobiology Course on automatic pollen monitoring in Riga
3. Selected publications
M. González-Alonso, J. Oteros, M. Widmann, J.M. Maya-Manzano, C. Skjøth, L. Grewling, D. O'Connor, M. Sofiev, F. Tummon, B. Crouzy, B. Clot, J. Buters, E. Kadantsev, Y. Palamarchuk, M. Martinez-Bracero, F.D. Pope, S. Mills, B. Šikoparija, P. Matavulj, C.B. Schmidt-Weber, P.V. Ørby, Influence of meteorological variables and air pollutants on measurements from automatic pollen sampling devices, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 2024, 172913, ISSN 0048-9697, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172913