Treasurer of the Austrian Polleninformation Service
Contact: johannes.martin.bouchal(at)univie.ac.at
1. Field of activity
- Measurement of aeroallergens in Gumpenstein
- Website maintenance
- Preparation of forecasts
- Field research and photo documentation
2. Short curriculum vitae
- Since 2023: Treasurer of the Austrian Polleninformation Service
- Since 2022: Scientific Project Collaborator (post doc) at the University of Vienna
2020 - 2022: University assistant at the Medical University of Vienna
Feb. 2019: Aerobiology course at the Swedish Pollen Monitoring Service (Stockholm Natural History Museum)
2014 - 2018: Doctoral studies in natural sciences
- 2001 - 2013: Diploma studies in biology
3. Selected publications
- Dirr L, Bastl K, Bastl M, Bouchal JM, Berger UE, Grímsson F. Crowd-sourced symptom data in pollen allergy: testing a novel study approach for assessing the efficacy of food supplements. Allergo J Int. 2024. doi:10.1007/S40629-024-00283-Y
- Alçiçek H, Gross M, Bouchal JM, et al. Paleobiodiversity and paleoenvironments of the eastern Paratethys Pleistocene lacustrine-palustrine sequence in the Baklan Basin (SW Anatolia, Turkey). Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol. 2023;626. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111649
- Vieira M, Bouchal JM, Geier C, Ulrich S, Zetter R, Grímsson F. Earliest fossil pollen records of endemic African Sclerosperma palms and the palaeoecological aspects of the genus. Rev Palaeobot Palynol. 2023;317. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2023.104954
- Denk T, Bouchal JM, Güner HT, et al. Cenozoic migration of a desert plant lineage across the North Atlantic. New Phytol. 2023;238(6):2668-2684. doi:10.1111/NPH.18743
- Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, et al. Potential pollinators and paleoecological aspects of Eocene Ludwigia (Onagraceae) from Eckfeld, Germany. Palaeoworld. 2023. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2023.07.003